A small accident, whether every once in a while or on a regular basis, is very common. A number of factors can cause urinary leakage, including: Pregnancy,
Recent childbirth,
Urinary tract diseases,
Poor kidney function,
Parkinson’s disease,
Certain medications,
Some foods and beverages.
As you can see, there are quite a few different factors that could be contributing to your urinary leakage. If you’d like help discovering what’s causing issues for you, Dr. Debra is here. As an experienced OB/GYN who has treated women all over the world, he can hone in on the factors that are most problematic for you and offer you the right treatment.
No. Much like there are multiple factors that trigger urinary leakage, there are multiple different types.
Stress incontinence
Stress incontinence occurs when pressure is put on the bladder like when you sneeze, lift something heavy, or laugh. This is extremely common after childbirth.
Urge incontinence
Urge incontinence is marked by the recurring, persistent urge to urinate, sometimes followed by leakage.
Overflow incontinence
Overflow incontinence occurs when you’re unable to empty your bladder completely and the small amount that remains leaks out.
Good news! There are quite a few things you can do to help yourself regain control of your bladder. Let’s explore a few.
Physical therapy
You can use physical therapy to strengthen the muscles of your pelvic floor, which helps you control urine flow.
There are medications that relax your bladder muscles, helping expand its capacity and minimize the urge you feel to go to the bathroom to a more normal, manageable level.
Pessaries (vaginal inserts) or slings can give your urethra support, helping you avoid stress incontinence, or the leakage that comes when you sneeze, bend, cough, laugh or lift.
Some injectables, including BOTOX®, can thicken the walls of your urethra so that it seals tightly, preventing leakage.To get more information about urinary leakage and what you can do to treat it, contact Maryland Specialty Group. Call to schedule an appointment or use the online booking agent.